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Need some more support?

Pre-flight checklist

  1. Checked on the interactive F.A.Q.?
  2. Checked on the tips from your BuddyBoard and e-mail notifications?
  3. Trouble-shot with Target and Delegation Lab?
  4. Checked our status announcements?

If you have and are still hungry, move on to our friendly support!


Tweet to @BuddyNSsupport for leaner, faster support to any question of Level1 type. No private data here!


E-mail support@ for private support. Be clear and concise, think what info we need to help you exhaustively.


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How can you assist me?

Level1 support (basic service questions) is available to Free users. Level2 (technical help) to paying users. Level3 (integration dev team) to Enterprise users.


We're serious about feedback. Anything confusing? Tell us from the Feedback slider in every page. We review every single report.